Какво е
За да притежавате Интернет сайт ,не е достатъчно само някой да го
изгради за вас.За да бъде достъпен до всички Интернет потребители по
света,сайтът трябва да бъде инсталиран в Интернет пространството.Нужно е
също сайтът да има и свое име,което пък се свързва с понятието име на
домейн.Всеки сайт в Интернет има свой адрес,наричан IP адрес.Това е
адресът на комп.,в ко?то е инсталиран въпросния сайт.Този адрес
представлява поредица от числа подобно на телефонен номер.Ако не
съществуваше системата за имена на домейн,всеки сайт щеше да се намира
посредством този “телефонен номер”.Тук на помощ идва системата за имена
на домейни.Посредством нея нормални и значещи нещо имена се свързват със
съответните IP адреси и така сайтовете се намират по лесно.Например за
вас е по лесно да запомните името Google от колкото неговия адрес
примерноВ Интернет съществуват фирми които притежават
права за регистриране имена на домейни,насочват всяко име на домейн към
съответстващия му IP адрес.Ние препоръчваме Website.ws http://website.ws/simba3
и защо точно нея.Тази фирма ви дава възможност да изградите и много
добра печалба от такса за месеца само от 10$ за закупуване на домейн и
ето как вие може да печели те.Ако регистрирате 5човека това са 5$ на
месец,тези 5човека също регистрират по 5 за месеца ви стават25$ и
т.н.Така че не се колибайте това е много добра възможност за наистена
добри доходи.
GDI elite team
Здравейте !
Искате ли да промените живота си ?
Да работите от вашият дом, докато сърфирате в Интернет?
Много хора искат това, но не знаят как или попадат на грешна информация.
Аз също исках това и смея да твърдя, че зная как.
Ако искате, можете да се присъедините към GDI elite team най-добрия
ONLINE бизнес даващ възможност за реални доходи от 1000 до 5000 лева на
За повече информация посетете : http://website.ws/simba3 blog http://gdi.ivan-simeonov.ws/ site http://ivan-simeonov.ws/
телефон за връзка: 0885039399
или на email:ivan.simeonov.3@gmail.com
вторник, 25 февруари 2014 г.
Feeder Matrix : How does it work?
FeederMatrix is the “cash leveraging” program with a forced matrix structure.
The FeederMatrix uses a 4 by 4 force matrix system. That means is that your downline can contain at most of 4 levels with the “width” of each level consisting of 4 persons. Any additional referrals from you will spillover/spillunder to others in your downline (or upline). The payment plan for FeederMatrix is split into 2 stages. The payment amounts that you can send or receive depends both the stage and the level. See the diagram for further details. Each and every member joins the program at level 1 and pays directly to their inviter.

Levels & Admin Costs :
There are 8 levels ranging from $1.75 to $320.
Feedermatrix provides a low cost and simple opportunity for those new to internet marketing to join a program with no risk. Even though you don’t need to recruit to make money, you will obviously make more money by adding your own efforts to those of your upline. The ridiculous payment of $1.75 makes recruitment rather easy. This is a simple and realistic plan how to turn your $1.75 into $100000 with just 340 downline members for everyone.
Payment structure
All members pay directly to the upline`s Paypal, Payza or Solidtrustpay accounts. The system accurately shows the receiver`s ewallet ID and the amount of payment a member has to pay. “A Payee” must “CONFIRM” each payment in their back office. This is a simple “1 click” operation.
Feedermatrix has 8 levels that you may participate in. You start from level 1 by paying $1.75 to your direct upline. Once your payment is confirmed you are ready to receive your money! But you can promote your referral link and receive spillover and spillunder from your upline and downline members beign a free ( with level 0) member.

Here is our payplan:
Stage 1.
Stage 2.
The FeederMatrix uses a 4 by 4 force matrix system. That means is that your downline can contain at most of 4 levels with the “width” of each level consisting of 4 persons. Any additional referrals from you will spillover/spillunder to others in your downline (or upline). The payment plan for FeederMatrix is split into 2 stages. The payment amounts that you can send or receive depends both the stage and the level. See the diagram for further details. Each and every member joins the program at level 1 and pays directly to their inviter.
Levels & Admin Costs :
There are 8 levels ranging from $1.75 to $320.
Feedermatrix provides a low cost and simple opportunity for those new to internet marketing to join a program with no risk. Even though you don’t need to recruit to make money, you will obviously make more money by adding your own efforts to those of your upline. The ridiculous payment of $1.75 makes recruitment rather easy. This is a simple and realistic plan how to turn your $1.75 into $100000 with just 340 downline members for everyone.
Payment structure
All members pay directly to the upline`s Paypal, Payza or Solidtrustpay accounts. The system accurately shows the receiver`s ewallet ID and the amount of payment a member has to pay. “A Payee” must “CONFIRM” each payment in their back office. This is a simple “1 click” operation.
Feedermatrix has 8 levels that you may participate in. You start from level 1 by paying $1.75 to your direct upline. Once your payment is confirmed you are ready to receive your money! But you can promote your referral link and receive spillover and spillunder from your upline and downline members beign a free ( with level 0) member.
Here is our payplan:
Stage 1.
- our 1st tier referrals pay you $1.75 each (totaling $7)
- Your 2nd tier referrals pay you $5 each (totaling $80)
- Your 3rd tier referrals pay you $10 each (totaling $640)
- Your 4th tier referrals pay you $20 each (totaling $5120)
Stage 2.
- Your 1st tier referrals pay you $40 each (totaling $160)
- Your 2nd tier referrals pay you $80 each (totaling $1280)
- Your 3rd tier referrals pay you $160 each (totaling $10240)
- Your 4th tier referrals pay you $320 each (totaling $81920) Total Earnings Paid: $99447
It’s a perfect win-win scenario and it is a true 1OO% net member-to-member payout. We give a great product, system and all commissions to the members.
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